
Τρίτη 10 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Call for Papers: "Reflected Shadows: Folklore and the Gothic". Kingston University 15-17 April 2016

Friday 15th to Sunday 17th April 2016, at Kingston University, KT1 2EE, UK
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Fred Botting: "Zombies: Neither Gothic nor Folklore"
Folklore Society Presidential Address: Prof. James H. Grayson: "Invading Mongols and the Preservation of Korean Traditions: The Monk Iryon and the Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms"
More information:  http://folklore-society.com/events/reflected-shadows-folklore-and-the-gothic
Abstracts of 150 words max, plus brief biog, to thefolkloresociety@gmail.com by 31 December 2015

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