
Τρίτη 5 Ιουλίου 2016

SIEF2017 "Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft - Creativity", 13th Congress: Göttingen, Germany 26-30 March 2017

SIEF2017 13th Congress: Göttingen, Germany
26-30 March 2017

Theme: Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft - Creativity

The 13th international SIEF congress will take place in Göttingen, 26-30 March 2017. For this first SIEF congress in Germany, we expect over 700 ethnologists, folklorists, anthropologists and researchers from related fields for four days of stimulating keynotes, parallel panels, poster sessions, audio-visual presentations, book exhibit and social events.
The congress opens up to investigation the myriad ways of dwelling. We invite delegates to join this conversation, deepen it fruitfully for our disciplines and explore cooperation with areas of practice and art, present their research, listen, debate, and work out differences, hatch projects, cultivate friendships, and move our fields forwards.

Theme posted; call for panels open

Download the full-colour A3 conference poster (PDF), print it off and advertise the event to your colleagues.
Read the congress theme, and then view the call for panels and workshops.
As customary we begin with a call for panels. The congress theme is, however, ideally suited for the visual dimensions of posters which the organisers plan to showcase prominently, including a 'people's choice' award for the best poster and for the most creative poster. The call for posters will open with the call for papers.
Audiovisual submissions
There will be opportunity to show and discuss movies and interactive audiovisual formats in a cinema-like atmosphere. A further format welcomed are media experiments: there will be a room designated for open engagement with audiovisual research and its emerging knowledge formats such as installations, photos or digital arrangements not suitable for cinematic screening with space for discussion in a studio-atmosphere. Entries for these formats may be submitted in the call for papers.

Keynotes at SIEF2017

Opening event:
Jan Rothuizen, visual artist, Amsterdam, with discussants:
Thomas Hylland Eriksen (University of Oslo, President EASA) and
Kay Turner (New York University, President American Folklore Society)
Maja Povrzanović Frykman (Malmö University)
Trevor Marchand  (SOAS, University of London)
João de Pina-Cabral (ISCTE Lisbon/University of Kent)
Closing event:
Beate Binder (Humboldt University, Berlin) and
Walter Leimgruber (University of Basel)

Conference organisers

Local organising committee
Cornelius Hantscher, Birgit Abels, Regina Bendix, Sandra Eckardt, Dorothee Hemme, Nathalie Knöhr, Rául Matta, Thorsten Näser, Arnika Peselmann, Eva Maria van Straaten, Julian Warner as well as students of the Department of Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology at the University of Göttingen
Scientific Committee
Regina Bendix, Moritz Ege, Julia Fleischhack, Sabine Hess, Pertti Anttonen, Sophie Elpers, Valdimar Hafstein, Nevena Škrbić Alempijević
Responsible for audio-visual formats
Torsten Näser, Sandra Eckardt and Frauke Paech
The Congress committees are assisted by the nomadic team of professional conference organisers, and membership administrators, NomadIT
For more information see: http://www.siefhome.org/congresses/sief2017/

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