
Τρίτη 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

8th Congress of the International Association for Southeast European Anthropology Balkan Life Courses: Family, Childhood, Youth, and Old Age in Southeast Europe Sofia, New Bulgarian University, 15 – 17 September 2016


15.9.2016 Thursday

15.00-18.00 Registration

18.00 – Official opening by the InASEA president, Evgenija Krăsteva-Blagoeva
             Welcome address by Kiril Avramov, Vice-Rector of New Bulgarian University
Room: Aula

Plenary Session I
Room: Aula

Chair: Evgenija Krăsteva-Blagoeva

Karl Kaser, Family research in and on Southeast Europe: achievements – controversies – challenges

20.00 Reception: Artes Restaurant

16.9.2016 Friday

Plenary Session II
Chair: Jasna Čapo
Room: Aula

Tatjana Thelen. More than kinship: Political belonging through parenting and elder care

Session 1

1.1 From data to narrative and back again: Digital Humanities approaches to the family in the Balkans
Chairs: Ulf Brunnbauer, Karl Kaser
Room: 217
Dumanescu, Luminiţa. Godparenthood in rural Transylvania 1850– 1918: Choices, practices, and discourse
Sorescu-Iudean, Oana. Divided fortunes, divided families: A micro-exemplary analysis of inheritance litigation in 18th century Sibiu
Gruber, Siegfried. Patriarchal household structures in Southeast Europe and how to measure them

1.2. Rites of Passage
Chair: Danijela Birt Katić
Room: 212
Fetaj-Berisha, Vlore. The Diversity of Family Rituals in the Albanian Tradition
Musa, Leontina. From rites of passage to celebrations
Lelaj, Olsi. Rites of passage and the state

1.3 Family, History, Memory
Chair: Christian Giordano
Room: 213
Velaj, Olimbi. Albanians, experience of war and perception of identity based on analysis of narratives
Varelaki, Falia. When Cancer Becomes Family History: Concepts and Attitudes through an Ethnographic Approach
Yancheva, Yana. Memory for the youth in the 1990s

 1.4 Representations of Children
Chair: Klaus Roth
Room: 207
Kuzova, Margarita. Staging of the Age. The Image of Children in Bulgarian and Western European Postcards of the early 20th century
Halimi, Zalita .Family photography: Intergenerational connections and memories from childhood perspective
Vukanović, Maša. Children, cultural policy and collaborative ethnography in Serbia

12.00 - 13.30
Session 2

2.1. Family, Migration, Transformations I
Chair: Ulf Brunnbauer
Room: 217
Kostova, Viktoria. Changing the Social Pattern – Relations between Migrants and Relatives
Tollkuci, Eli. The impact of factors related to internal migration on violence against wives among migrant families from northern Albania, have settled in Tirana and its surrounding areas
Maeva, Mila. Bulgarian elderly migration to the United Kingdom

2.2. Family: Images and Usages
Chair: Asker Kartari
Room: 212
Luleva, Ana. Family caregiving in post-socialist Bulgaria: participating in the global care chains
Margaroni, Mary. Social representations of the modern Greek family in popular comic TV series in Greece during the last twenty years
Petrova, Ivanka. Family and Enterprise: Cultural encounters of Family Life World and Market Economy

2.3 Housing and Living
Chair: Christian Giordano
Room: 213
Habit, Daniel. Searching for the “good life”. Housing, family and urban ethics in Bucharest
Bardhoshi, Nebi. New Trajectories of Building and Sharing the House among Albanians
Mateoniu, Maria. Transitory accommodation. From student housing to rental flats

2.4 Children Celebrations
Chair: Evgenija Krăsteva-Blagoeva
Room: 207
Nikolova, Maya. What Children Rejoice - Holidays for Children
Pascu, Ana-Michaela. Games Learning during Childhood. Difficulties Encountered and Adults’ Supportive Role
Tsitsitkou, Dimitra. The social and cultural aspects of children’s play in a Greek community

Session 3

3.1. Transnational Families
Chair: Vesna Vučinić Nešković
Room 217
Kartari, Asker. Mixed Marriages in Istanbul
Kurtenbach, Sebastian. Causes and consequences of transnational family life
Kadriu, Lumnije.Transnational family – between preserving old and acquiring new way of life
Pileva, Desislava. Cultural Markers of (Self-) Identification of Mixed Families’ Offspring

3.2 Parenthood
Chair: Evgenia Krasteva-Blagoeva
Room: 212
Rašević, Mirjana. Towards a Better Understanding of the Postponement of Childbearing in Serbia
Triantafyllidis, Savva. “Is love what makes a family?”: An anthropological analysis on gay fatherhood in Greece
Tountasaki, Eirini. From Shared Genes to Corporal Affinity: The Post-Narrative of Motherhood (Greece in the Era of Biotechnology)

3.3 Inheritance and Mobility
Chair: Klaus Roth
Room: 213
Birt Katić, Danijela. Inheritance and/after mobility
Dobre, Claudia F. Women’s Memories and Family Heritage: “Passing on” Communist Experien­ces in Romania
Kera, Gentiana. Women and property transmission in interwar Albania
Zlatkova, Meglena. Mobile people and heritage across the border

3.4 Old Age I
Chair: Karl Kaser
Room: 207
Kouzas, Georgios. “Working until the end of their lives”: Older people, who are working as itinerant peddlers in the center of Athens
Sebők-Polyfka, Noémi. Care Work as a Life Strategy of Women of Older Age in Slovakia
Pimpireva, Ženja. Ageing and Old Age in the Life Stories of Bessarabian Bulgarians
Rubić, Tihana. Practices, representations and discourses of “active aging” in/of contemporary Croatian society

17.00 – 18.45
Session 4

4.1 Gender Roles
Chair: Konstantina Bada
Room: 217
Dimova, Nevena. Girls will be Girls, Boys will be Boys: Constructing Gender among 9 year olds in Sofia, Bulgaria
Gavrilova, Rayna. Coming of age in a shifting world: Bulgarian young women's choices and con­straints in the decades preceding and following WW II
Efeoglu, Elena. Women in concentration camps during the Greek Civil War (1946-1949). A content analysis of a photo book
Petkova-Antonova, Elena. How Socialist Emancipation Changed Bulgarian Muslim Women and What Happens Next?

4.2 Cross-border marriages:
Rethinking the impact of gender, family and (nation-)state(s)
Chair: Ulf Brunnbauer
Room: 212
Pichler, Robert. Migration, Village Endogamy and Social Networks. A Case Study among Albanians from Macedonia
Hysa, Armanda. Theorizing ethnically mixed intimate relations in the Balkans: the case of Albanian – Serbian mixed marriages
Leutloff-Grandits, Carolin. Cross-border marriages between Kosovo and Germany/Austria: Discourses, aspirations and realities
Dahinden, Janine, Joëlle Moret, Shpresa Jashari. Cross-border marriages of 2nd generation migrants in Switzerland

4.3 Marriage: Laws and Rituals
Chair: Asker Kartari
Room: 213
Avdikos, Evangelos. From the matchmaker to the marriage agency: traditionalism and modernity in the urban space
Hamzallari, Blerina. Engagement as a social institution in Albanian culture and its transforma­tion during the post-communist period: A qualitative study with university students who are engaged
Alushi, Besmir. Changes in the family law after the fall of the communist system in Albania, and its social consequences
Bogdanova, Zlatina. Family, Kinship and State in Contemporary Bulgaria: A Study on Social Security after Socialism

4.4 Old Age II
Chair: Ana Luleva
Room: 207
Barbulescu, Constantin. The Refusal to Grow Old
Iliev, Ilia. Eldercare in Rural Bulgaria: Distant Families and Close Strangers
Jakimovska, Ilina, Ana Aštalkovska. Old Age - Ugly Age”: Ethnographic Notes on Childless Elders in the Macedonian Context
Evtimova, Ivelina. Aging and retirement in socialist and post-socialist Bulgaria

InASEA General Assembly

17.09.2016 Saturday

9.15 - 10.00
Plenary session III
Chair: Caroline Leutloff-Grandits
Room: Aula

Koleva. Daniela. Seeing like a state, seeing like a woman: policies and practices of gender and life course.

Session 5

5.1 Family, Migration, Transformations II
Chair: Vesna Vučinić Nešković
Room: 217
Mišković, Nataša. A Sequence of Exits: Growing Up as a Half-Orphan in an Extended Dalma­tian Refugee Family, 1945 to 1963
Zenelaga, Brunilda. How international migration is reshaping families? The case of new trans­national (Albanian) families
Dimitrov, Nacho. Family life in the life-world of labour migrants: the example of the Karaka­chans in Bulgaria in post-socialism

5.2 Roma Marriages
Chair: Stelu Şerban
Room: 212
Pamporov, Alexei. Recent transformations on the Romani bride market in Bulgaria
Musca, Madalina. Childhood, agency and early marriages: the case of a Roma kalderash community
Hoxhallari, Itena. Roma family and kinship in the contemporary social and cultural develop­ments in Albania

5.3 Death Rituals
Chair: Klaus Roth
Room: 213
Fruntelata, Ioana. “Carols” for the Dead: Instances of a Dissolving Ritual Sequence in Contem­porary Romanian Villages
Delić, Vesna. Until death bring us together
Popescu-Simion, Florenţa. When death turns into funeral business – changes in the funeral practices and rituals in contemporary Romania

5.4 Religion, Ideology, Identity
Chair: Evgenija Krăsteva-Blagoeva
Room: 207
Stahl, Irina. The Impact of Communism on Contemporary Religious Practices and Beliefs in Romania
Nazarska, Georgeta, Svetla Shapkalova. Generational Views on the Creation of Human Life in Present-Day Bulgaria
Cupcea, Adriana. Being a Muslim among the Turkish Gypsies in Dobruja (Romania)

Session 6

6.1Family, Migration, Transformations III
Chair: Christian Giordano
Room 217
Matsumae, Moyuru. Bulgarian Migrant Women and their Life Courses
Borosanu, Adriana, Kristiana Glavce, Richard David-Rus. Lifestyle changes in left behind children of migrant workers
Mateoc, Raluca. Narratives on deportations as imagined family memories

6.2 Youth Culture I
Chair: Konstantina Bada
Room: 212
Savu, Alin. Urban Childhoods
Vučinić Nešković, Vesna. Youth Culture in Everyday Life of the Balkan Cities: Transformations of the Corso in Serbia and Montenegro
Mančeva, Svetoslava. Youngsters Learning and Transition to Adulthood (Case Study from the Region of Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

6.3 Caring for Children
Chair: Armanda Hysa Kodra
Room: 213
Petrova, Velislava. Are you giving water?
Lipan, Stefan. Caring morally: the case of institutionalized children in Bucharest, Romania
Kassabova, Anelia. (In-)Visible Children. “Labor-Educational Schools” in Socialist Bulgaria (1944-1960s)

6.4 Family, Migration, Transformations IV
Chair: Caroline Leutloff-Grandits
Room: 207
Göktürk, Gülen. I have lost my beloved: male immigration left behind women and songs
Hristov, Petko. Life Cycle and Labour Migrations
Krasniqi, Elife. The impact of second generation of migrants in social and cultural life in Kosovo

Session 7

7.1 Intergenerational Relations
Chair: Sasha Nedelkovic
Room 217
Vol’anská, L’ubica. Who cares? Intergenerational relationships in families in Bratislava and Vienna
Dushi, Arbnora. Intergenerational Memories on the Border History
Balli, Brikena. LGBT individuals and their parents: “Coming out” to parents and other family members in Albanian society
Jakoubek, Marek, Lenka Budilová. The old and the young in Voyvodovo. Property trans­mission and inheritance strategies in a Czech village in Bulgaria

7.2 Family, Migration, Transformations V
Chair: Jasna Čapo
Room: 212
Brunnbauer, Ulf. Household Dynamics and Emigration. The Trans-Atlantic Balkan Experience
Branda, Alina. Family in Times of Migration. A Few Case Studies
Mandić, Marija. Extended Family Networks: Personal Stories of Bosniaks in Berlin
Markov, Ivajlo. Family and Mobility: Continuities, Shifts and Generational Dynamics
among Albanians from the Republic of Macedonia

7.3 Youth Culture II
Chair: Danijela Birt Katic
Room: 213
Catrina, Sonia. Inequalities, Risks, and Vulnerabilities among Romanian Youth
Gioti, Stamatia, Konstantina Bada. Adaptive reuses and re-significations in places of alterity, youth culture and identities
Kirova, Aleksandra. Socialization, integration, and identities in adolescence: the use of social categories by students from Albania, Kosovo, and Turkey studying in a French Republican Middle School in France
Nejkova, Nija. Bulgarian youth and global “saviors” – the outsourcing centers. Short term perspective, prestigious alternative or social constraint

7.4 Ethnicity and Life Courses  
Chair: Vesna Vučinić Nešković
Room: 207
Chryssanthopolou, Vassiliki. Embodied Ways of Forging and Transmitting Identity in Greek-American Diaspora Life Courses: A Case Study of the Tarpon Springs Greek Community, Florida
Rácz, Krisztina. Discourses and Practices of Multiculturalism: Hungarian Youth in Vojvodina
Şerban, Stelu. Ethnicity and life courses in cross-border areas in Southeast Europe
Jankova, Veneta. Family memory and popular historiography. About the Tatars from Bulgarian Dobrudja

Session 8

8.1 Kinship Transformations
Chair: Armanda Hysa Kodra
Room 217
Botikova, Marta. Social settings as a research objective of family studies
Nedeljković, Saša, Biljana Andjelković. The Economic Potential of Krashovanian Ethnic Iden­tity and its Impact on Family Relationships
Barbulescu, Elena. Childcare in Exchange for Healthcare. A New Frame for An Old Pattern of Family Care in Rural Transylvania
Latifi, Tahir. Kinship in relation to the public and the private sphere in Kosovo.

8.2 Expressive Culture
Chair: Vassiliki Chrysanthopoulou
Room: 212
Velioti, Maria. Puppet Theatre in “Free Greece” (1943-44)
Ivanova, Miglena. Graffiti, Street Art and “Ageing”
Shegaj, Orjona. Singing to love in a patriarchal context: Eros, sensuality and sexuality in Albanian folksongs in a society ruled by patriarchs.
Munishi, Visar.  Oda – Receptive Environment of Albanian Traditional Music

8.3 Albanian Family: Historical Dimensions
Chair: Nebi Bardoshi
Room: 213
Pandelejmoni, Enriketa. Household and family structures in Urban Albania approximately 1918
Reka, Eglantina. Social life, the position of women in family. Family and tribal relations in the Bosniak community living in Albania
Broci, Ermela. Displacement of monuments as a double loss: the reaction of heroes’ families to the displacement of the monument “Five Heroes of Vig” in the city of Shkodra

8.4 Roma Life Experiences
Chair: Alexei Pamporov
Room: 207
Preda, Sînziana. We, as youth, we have to listen to what the elders tell us! Even if we don't like it
Plainer, Zsuzsa. “This is how I abandoned school and began selling sunflower seeds” – work experiences, living conditions and relations to formal edu­cation in Roma families in a Romanian town
Avdžieva, Anelija. Work-life Courses – about Social and Family Bargain (Case Study)
Stojanova, Plamena. “Schools for women activists” (or “Schools for mothers”) for women of Gypsy origin in socialist Bulgaria

19.00 - 19.30 Final meeting and discussion

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