The Folklore and History Section of the American Folklore Society, publisher of the journal Folklore Historian, invites submissions for its biennial Wayland D. Hand Prize for an outstanding book that combines historical and folkloristic perspectives. A work offered for consideration can be an authored book, edited volume or reference work, or exhibition catalog published between June 2013 and June 2014.The prize honors the eminent folklorist Wayland D. Hand (1907-1986), who in his teaching and scholarship encouraged historical methodology in folklore research. He was recognized for his effort by being awarded the international Giuseppe Pitre Folklore Prize and the Chicago Fol! klore Prize. The winner of the Wayland D. Hand Prize will receive 200 dollars and an accolade from the American Folklore Society. The prize-winning book will be publicized at the annual meeting of the American Folklore Society and in the pages of the Folklore Historian. For a list of previous winners, see
Submissions can be from authors or publishers. Submit three copies of the submission for judges BEFORE June 15, 2014 to Professor Simon J. Bronner, American Studies Program, Penn State Harrisburg, 777 West Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057 USA.
CfP: Methods in the study of religion\s at Erfurt/IAHR 2015
Call for Papers: Methods at Erfurt/IAHR 2015
Contemporary debates in the study of religion\s often speak of "methodology". Yet methods-i.e. ways of constructing/collecting and analyzing different types of data/materials in empirical research-are
rarely addressed. Our co-edited Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion (2011) was the first major international
attempt to take stock of and critically review the current
methodological toolbox of our discipline. It discussed a range of
well- and less well-known methods, and it began to move our discipline
toward the level of methodological diversification and sophistication
common in others. This process needs to continue. We seek papers, for
one or more sessions at the upcoming XXIth IAHR-World Congress in
Erfurt, that deal either with methods not covered in our Handbook or
specific variants within the broader families covered there (e.g.,
forms of historical analysis, discourse analysis, content analysis,
participant observation, etc.). The papers may form the nucleus of a
follow-up publication.
Please email a brief proposal/abstract (100-300 words) along with a
title and a short CV before June 1, 2014 to one or both of us:
Michael Stausberg & Steven Engler
Contemporary debates in the study of religion\s often speak of "methodology". Yet methods-i.e. ways of constructing/collecting and analyzing different types of data/materials in empirical research-are
rarely addressed. Our co-edited Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion (2011) was the first major international
attempt to take stock of and critically review the current
methodological toolbox of our discipline. It discussed a range of
well- and less well-known methods, and it began to move our discipline
toward the level of methodological diversification and sophistication
common in others. This process needs to continue. We seek papers, for
one or more sessions at the upcoming XXIth IAHR-World Congress in
Erfurt, that deal either with methods not covered in our Handbook or
specific variants within the broader families covered there (e.g.,
forms of historical analysis, discourse analysis, content analysis,
participant observation, etc.). The papers may form the nucleus of a
follow-up publication.
Please email a brief proposal/abstract (100-300 words) along with a
title and a short CV before June 1, 2014 to one or both of us:
Michael Stausberg & Steven Engler
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