Τρίτη 12 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Morality as Organizational Practice


Dear colleagues
We cordially invite you to join us on November 10–12, 2021, for the online workshop "Morality as Organizational Practice." The event is the 19th workshop of the section "Cultures of Work" of the German Association of Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies (dgv), and will be hosted by the Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology at the University of Freiburg (Germany). 
The online workshop gathers contributions on the subjective perspectives of actors (employees, freelancers, customers, and other stakeholders) on the moralization of organizations and on morality as organizational practice. It asks how they are affected by discourses on morality, how such discourses change organizational culture, hiring practices, work standards or modalities of employment.
The keynote will be given by Ellen Hertz (Neuchâtel). The workshop is preceded by a podium debate (in German) on "Gut arbeiten? Perspektiven auf Verantwortung und Gerechtigkeit in Unternehmen", bringing together employers, union representatives, human resource officers, and scholars for a discussion of responsibility and justice in enterprises.
All events will be streamed online. We kindly ask for registration at arbeitskulturen@gmail.com  
The workshop website can be accessed here: http://organization.dgv-arbeitskulturen.de/ 
Best regards
Stefan Groth, Sarah May, Johannes Müske 
(organizational team) 
Morality as Organizational Practice
19th Workshop of the Section "Cultures of Work" of the German Association of Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies (dgv), 10.–12. November 2021, Freiburg i. Br., Germany/online
MI, 10. NOV. 18.15–19.45 UHR
ÖFFENTLICHE PODIUMSDISKUSSION: Gut arbeiten? Perspektiven auf Verantwortung und Gerechtigkeit in Unternehmen
Mit Björn Beckmann (Schwarzwaldmilch Freiburg), Christine Jägle (Personalrat Universität Freiburg), Reiner Geis (verdi-Bezirk Südbaden), Corinna Kämpfe (Grünhof e.V.), Michael Maile (maile & partner / HfWU Nürtingen), Inga Wilke (Kulturanthropologie Universität Freiburg). Moderation: Sarah May, Stefan Groth 
DO, 11. NOV 10.00–12.00 UHR
KOMMISSIONSSITZUNG: Kommission Arbeitskulturen in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde (dgv). Moderation: Manfred Seifert
12.00 UHR
Mittagspause/für alle in Freiburg: gemeinsames Mittagessen
THU, NOV. 11 
Stefan Groth, Sarah May, Johannes Müske
14.15–15.15 — PANEL I
Intensive Livestock Farming between Public Criticism and Economic Tension. An Insight Based on the Example of Straw Pig vs. Slatted Floor
Barbara Wittmann (München)
On the relations of Economy, Ecology and Ethics. Approaching a Cultural Analysis of Bioeconomical Practices
Sarah May, Lea Breitsprecher (Freiburg)
15.15–15.45 — BREAK
15.45–17.15 — PANEL II
Morality amidst Audit Culture: The Indicative Role of Quality Management Work
Ruzana Liburkina (Frankfurt)
Paradoxes of 'Exorcism' in the Garment Factories of Bangladesh: Auditing, CSR, and 'New' Dispossession
Tareq Mohammad Hasan (Leiden)
An Experimentalist Turn in Corporate Global Sustainability Governance in the Cocoa Sector?
Patrick Feuerstein (Berlin)
17.15–18.15 — BREAK
18.15–19.45 KEYNOTE 
Business and Morality: The Limits of Goodwill 
Ellen Hertz (Neuchâtel) 
FRI, NOV. 12
09.00–10.30 — PANEL III
The Credo of 'Good Design': Morality as a Design Practice in the Academic Training of Information Designers
Isabella Kölz (Würzburg)
Making Sense of Social Involvement with Disadvantaged Apprentices – Narrative patterns of Stakeholders in Profit-Oriented Companies
Anke Bahl (Bonn)
Making the 'Social Business' Work: Developers' and Employees' Perspectives on a Moralized Setting of Hospitality
Lisa Szepan (Göttingen)
10.30–11.00 — BREAK
11.00–12.00 — PANEL IV
Conflicting Morals in NPO-Fundraising
Christine Hämmerling (Zürich)
Moral(ity) Matters? Backgrounds and Implications of Organized Civil Society Engagement in Germany in the Aftermath of the 'Brumadinho Dam Disaster' (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Theresa Mentrup (Mainz)
12.00–13.30 — BREAK
13.30–14.30 — PANEL V
'Building Dream Ships.' Cruise Shipyards, Precarity and Self-Organisation in the Northern Adriatic
Janine Schemmer (Klagenfurt)
The Moral Economy of Leadership in the Global Shipping Industry
Marie Grasmeier (Bremen)
14.30–15.00 — CLOSING REMARKS
Irene Götz (München), Johannes Müske (Freiburg)

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